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HomeHealth5 Tips to Manage and Combat Your Acne

5 Tips to Manage and Combat Your Acne


Whether you’re in middle school or in your 30s, acne can be a problem for everyone. Especially if you have acne in your youth, your skin is likely to have it again at some point in your life if you don’t take preventative measures. 

While there are many causes for acne, it’s usually from bacterial infections, your body secreting excess oil, or plugging hair follicles. While your genetics can play a role, your environment matters as well. Therefore, you can do things to reduce your chances of acne.

While it’s not a serious health condition and you can live with acne, why not do something to clear up your skin, boost your confidence, and be healthier?

So, let’s take a look at a few tips to help you get clearer skin. 

Regularly Wash Your Face

The most important thing in your fight against acne is simply washing your face regularly, especially in the summer. 

While you can use a gentle cleanser, you can take it further by using a good over-the-counter face wash that has benzoyl peroxide or one that your physician recommends. However, don’t use a benzoyl peroxide face wash if you’re allergic to it.

The purpose of regularly washing your face is to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. Also, it’s always good to wash off dirt, sweat, and beauty products from your face to avoid clogging up your pores. 

Avoid Touching Your Face

You might touch your face randomly throughout the day without even knowing it and other times you might do it because the acne can be irritating. Regardless of whether you want to or not, avoid touching your face. 

Touching your face can make your acne worse, make it last longer, and also cause scarring once it does go away. 

Use Skin Care Products Made Specifically For Acne

Skincare products are incredibly common, and everyone uses one or more every day. With acne, you might have an entire cabinet of skincare products. However, you should research each product you are currently using or thinking of buying to see the effects it can have on acne. If it isn’t helping with your acne, there isn’t much use to it.

Therefore, you should build an acne prone 4-step regimen kit by buying products that help your acne. By using normal skincare products, you can end up causing more damage and increasing your acne rather than reducing it. 

Don’t Scrub or Use Exfoliating Brushes

Using scrubs does seem like a good way to clean your skin, but it can end up promoting your acne. Therefore, you should only use a clean soft towel and pat your face instead of rubbing it dry. 

The same goes for exfoliating brushes. They may seem like they can help but they can actually make your acne worse. You’re trying to avoid inflammation, and exfoliating can increase it instead. 

Shower Regularly

Regularly showering can keep your skin clean, but it has another important benefit. If you have oily hair, the excess oil can cause irritation on your forehead and cause acne. Therefore, you can avoid that type of acne by simply showering regularly and shampooing to keep your hair less oily.

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